Discover my Mauritius

“Our PERSONALIZED private tours are based on the in-depth knowledge of specialists who are very familiar with Mauritius, which is where they come from.” Cultivating a travel philosophy based on sharing, conviviality and human encounters. The vacancesmaurice team offers you tailor-made trips according to your wishes and at unbeatable prices all year round. 

Golden sandy beaches, turquoise lagoons and 5-star hotels are the images that are commonly associated with Mauritius. Yet, in parallel, there is a more authentic Mauritius. The real soul, the one that hides in the villages, at the corner of a sandy path, at the bottom of the ocean or at the top of the steep cliffs, asks to be met. Here, in six steps, is how to discover the thousand and one facets of the island, whether you were born there or just passing through.


The island Mauritius is made up of a diverse and colourful nation. Whether you are Mauritian or not, it is important to have experiences to soak up this unique multiculturalism. To discover the sega or to improve the famous “kass lérin” hip swing, there is nothing like attending a typical sega concert. Off the beaten track, the narrow streets leading to the coastal villages reveal treasures. Mahébourg is the perfect place to learn traditional fishing techniques or the delicious Mauritian cuisine. One can also venture along the picturesque streets of the capital on a fantastic street food trip and be surprised by the different flavours from all over the world. As well as the cuisine, the clothing reflects the diverse origins of the inhabitants. Why not learn how to drape yourself in a sari?

2 – Going on an adventure

Mauritius has much more to offer than sunbathing in the shade of the filaos. Catamaran trips are ideal for watching the sunset or for exploring. Indeed, just a short distance from the beaches, a whole marine world is waiting to be discovered. To the west, humpback whales perform their ballet and dolphins play with the waves. To the north, sharks make their rounds off the Coin de Mire, renowned for its incredible dive sites. After the encounter with the marine life, the small islands around Mauritius are magical places to visit. Heading south-west, Ile aux Fouquets, Ile aux Aigrettes and Ile aux Cerfs are absolutely sublime. To the north-east, Amber Island, one of the country’s last wilderness sanctuaries, offers a rich biodiversity and a fascinating history.

3 – Taking flight

Everything is more beautiful from the air. From the top of a parasail, the lagoon is even more sublime. A helicopter ride is the best way to discover the many natural wonders of the island in a different way, such as the Terres de Sept couleurs in Chamarel or the famous underwater waterfall off Le Morne. The island also offers opportunities for mountain hikes such as the Corps de Garde, the Pouce or the Lion, from where you can admire spectacular panoramas. Chamarel is a favourite place for hiking and has breathtaking views of the west coast.

4 – Taking the time to walk around

One feels closer to nature and discovers so much more during a walk. On horseback along the beaches, in a horse-drawn carriage in the middle of nature or on an electric bicycle along the majestic cliffs, walkers can discover heavenly scenery. At the bottom of the ocean, on board a submarine at a depth of 35 metres, a fascinating water world also offers exceptional « rides ».

5 – Going back in time

The famous Pamplemousses Garden and the Naval Museum in Mahebourg, which contains artefacts from the naval wars, are worth a visit to learn more about Mauritius’ great colonial history. Sugar, salt and fishing are also an integral part of Mauritius’ history. A tasting of traditional rum, a visit to the old sugar factories, or even to a 140 year old manioc biscuit factory, invite you to travel back in time. Dating back to the XVIII.

6 – Enjoy 100% Mauritian experiences

Mauritius always has a secret to reveal to its inhabitants and visitors alike. Whether it is land, sea or air activities, we offer you an incredibly varied and original selection of excursions and experiences through local tourism service providers. Let yourself be surprised by all that the country has to offer.